Love Chai & Other Four Letter Words


In the short: 2 neighbors from opposite worlds, Kiran and Nash, meet and fall in love while working on a New York bucket list.


What to expect:

*Neighbors/Friends to Lovers

*Closed door

*Multi-cultural relationships

*Strong sense of family 

*Friends that are family & friends


From the publisher: Kiran was the good daughter. When her sister disobeyed her family's plan and brought them shame, she was there to pick up the pieces. She vowed she wouldn't make the same mistakes. She'd be twice the daughter her parents needed, to make up for the one they lost.

Nash never had a family. The parents who were supposed to raise him were completely absent. Now as a psychologist, he sees the same pattern happening to the kids he works with. So he turns away from love and family. After all, abandonment is in his genes, isn't it?

If she follows the rules, Kiran will marry an Indian man. If he follows his fears, Nash will wind up alone. But what if they follow their hearts? 

My thoughts: I loved this book so much! I read and savored every word. This book made me laugh, made me cry and made me fall in love with the characters and their stories. The instant connection and friendship Kiran and Nash had at the beginning of this book was serendipitous. I absolutely loved the bucket lists that they worked on to explore and experience New York and that through these adventures they fall in love. Outside of the bucket lists both characters are dealing with family issues; Nash’s absent father has reached out for the first time and Kiran is dealing with the struggle of family duty and Indian expectations. How these things were resolved made my heart soar.


I can’t recommend this book enough. It all you want in a happy ever after, but involves adventure, laughs and a great look at Indian culture.

Do you have a bucket list? I have had one for years and am slowly marking things off the list. My NYC ones include going to the Statue of Liberty, seeing a Broadway play and ice skating at Rockefeller Center. 


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